Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Workout Wednesdays

Ok, so I made this video for you and it came out great, but the problem is we have a video camera (no it's not VHS-C either!) that doesn't seem to want to put the videos on the computer.  My husband tried for hours (thanks, anyways!).  While it's disappointing for just the Workout Wednesdays it also means we can't put our home videos on the computer.....ugghhhhh.  So you get the bootleg version of me taping the video with my digital camera.  Oh, the world we live in!  The rest of Workout Wednesdays might be video less, but we'll work on this!!

Excuse the poor quality, but get the point and do some "stairs" today to start or continue on your Trek to Fitness!!!


Rebecca said...

Awww I really wanted to see you teach some fitness!! Will stand by for future posts.

Kristine Mullen said...

I like it! Keep up the Workout Wednesday. Hopefully I'll be ready for them soon :)